
Take a look at who loves our billboard!

Justice Fur All, the Progress PA donkey, loves our billboard campaign. She has been begging to do a testimonial. We finally gave in (see what happens when you anthropomorphize a donkey). Don't Hew Haw help her out and donate today. 

Why Aspinwall Democratic committee donated to the BigSignUp

Why Progress PA believes billboards is the way to connect with voters in a pandemic

Take a look at the messages voters are seeing on our billboards

Emily Skopov On Why She Loves Our Billboard

Get to know Progress PA

Progress PA is back bigger than ever with it's billboard campaign

Why you should be part of the BigSignUp

Why our followers are donating to the BigSignUp

In 2016 Trump won PA by 44,000 votes. We don't want that to happen again.

What drives this voter to ride miles on her bicycle and why she donated to the billboard campaign.

Billboards go up at two new locations.

Billboards at two locations come down after money runs out.

Lady Liberty tells us why she supports the BigSignUP

The Good Old Days. Get in the Way Back Machine and watch some oldies, but goodies.

Climate Denier Daryl Metcalfe Loves CO2 And Green Veggies

Pre COVID 19 we were knocking on doors before an election.

PA Representative Mike Turzai refused to talk with his own constituents. A group of residents hand-delivered letters to his office this week. They have tried over 70 times to get Turzai to speak to them or even answer a letter on the issue of Gerrymandering. 

Promo for 2018 fundraising event. 

We're gonna need a bigger Vote in order to ride that big blue wave in November, so grab your sun hat, and join us for a beach party fundraiser to shore up our standout Democratic candidates for PA